A selection of Elizabeth Raeburn's work
Please click on the pictures below to view a selection of Elizabeth's sculptural and pictorial works, and a sample of the domestic ware she makes.
"My raku work is handbuilt, sometimes sculptural, sometimes illustrative. Inspiration for the pictorial pieces may be from many sources, from the Somerset landscape to the cities of Calgary or Venice.
Raku as a technique can be highly sophisticated or used very freely. I prefer ‘informed freedom’. The pieces are taken out of the kiln with tongs while the glaze is in melt, and placed in sawdust or another combustible material, depending on the final effect required. Even in well controlled circumstances the firing of ceramics is unpredictable. Raku uses this unpredictability: the firing can be as creative as the making, and the surprise element adds a new dimension.
I design and work slowly and carefully; the immediacy of the firing and the need to make quick decisions are in direct contrast. It is this balance which for me brings the work to life."